Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 2, but no new "thing"

Used my equipment last week in class. Nothing spectacular but did some notes using Keynote and powerpoint. I teach in two different classrooms and moving equipment from room to room sucks. Both are also science rooms with large teacher demonstration benches at the front of the classroom. If I place the LCD projector at the far edge of the bench I get an image on the screen that is rather small. But, on the other side of the lab bench are desks and in the other room tables and students packed into the small classroom space, so it didn't seems possible to put the LCD and computer on a cart out in the midst of the students (tried it and it just wouldn't work). So there is the hang it from the ceiling option, but then I can only use it in one room. Also I am not sure my dongle is long enough to go from the ceiling down to the computer. Guess I would need a dongle extender (will I find one of those in my spamjam?) Any ideas? How have you set up your equipment in your space??

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