Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thang 9&10

I reviewed the plagarism quiz and feel very comfortable with my understanding of the topic. In the avid program they practice a discussion technique called philosophical chairs. A issue is brought to the group and they choose one or the other points of view by standing (or sitting in the philosophical chairs) on opposite sides of the room. Then the discussion begins with one person on one side stating why they chose that position. Then a person with the opposing view point has a chance to speak, but before they can present their position, they must paraphrase what the person with the opposing viewpoint said. It seems like this is a great exercise in helping students develop paraphrasing skills which are necessary to avoid the plagarism issue.
I also tried to embed a video clip in a powerpoint presentation and ran into some problems. I have a number of video clips saved on my desktop which I downloaded from United Streaming. They are in a windows media format. When I go to powerpoint and click on movies and sound to put a clip in my presentation and go to my desktop the windows media files which I downloaded from united streaming are not highlighted and as far as I can tell are not accesible to be put into the powerpoint. Does any one know how to make those video clips accesible?

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